Laser & Toxic Gas Cabinets
Depending on the blend tolerance requirements ASTG offers a range of options to meet the needs of the application. From systems designed with fixed orifices to actively managed mass flow controllers and the addition of active analysis on the product stream to adjust the blend mass flow controllers continuously to maintain the blend ratio as the instantaneous flow demand varies, ASTG has the level of expertise required.
Application Notes - Groundbreaking Innovative Line of Laser and Toxic Gas Cabinets
ASTG 13000 Series Scrubber
The ASTG 13000 Series Scrubber has a lower height to accommodate the same volume of media as the leading competitors scrubbers. This allows the optional secondary scrubber to be installed in the same assembly while still meeting the same overall fitting-to-fitting dimension. If the secondary scrubber is not required for a specific application, or an external unit is preferred, a spool piece will be inserted to maintain the same fitting-to-fitting dimension.
ASTG 13000 Series Scrubbers are available with 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" compression fittings. They can also be made with 1/4" or 1/2" male or female VCR connections if requested. The canister itself is constructed with a 3/4" FNPT outlet and a 1/2" FNPT inlet. This allows a variety of end connection choices while holding the overall length from fitting-to-fitting the same.
Scrubber Media:
Fluorine Laser Gas Mixes: Laser gas mixtures containing Fluorine are reacted on Alumina to form Aluminum Fluoride. A secondary adsorber filled with Calcium Sulfate is used to capture any HF released as a by-product of the Alumina to Aluminum Fluoride reaction.
Hydrochloric Acid Laser Gas Mixes: Laser gas mixtures containing HCl are adsorbed on Activated Carbon impregnated with Potassium Iodide, or a bed consisting of 1/3 Activated Carbon and 2/3 Granular Potassium Iodide. A secondary adsorber filled with Calcium Sulfate is used to capture any trace Chlorides and Bromides that may be released during adsorption.

ASTG 50000 Series Scrubber
The ASTG 50000 Series Scrubber has 50% more media volume than the competing series scrubber. The diameter is slightly larger than the competitions offering: 6.5" vs 5.8". This is an advantage in gas cabinets with auto change over with two size 200 laser gas mix cylinders. The scrubber has sufficient capacity to scrub the contents of two cylinders without breakthrough. This reduces the number or times a technician needs to visit the installation in order to change cylinders and scrubbers.
ASTG 50000 Series Scrubbers are available with 1/4", 3/8", and 1/2" compression fittings. They can also be made with 1/4" or 1/2" male or female VCR connections if requested.
Scrubber Media:
Fluorine Laser Gas Mixes: Laser gas mixtures containing Fluorine are reacted on Alumina to form Aluminum Fluoride. A secondary adsorber filled with Calcium Sulphate is used to capture any HF released as a by-product of the Alumina to Aluminum Fluoride reaction.
Hydrochloric Acid Laser Gas Mixes: Laser gas mixtures containing HCl are adsorbed on Activated Carbon impregnated with Potassium Iodide, or a bed consisting of 1/3 Activated Carbon and 2/3 Granular Potassium Iodide. A secondary adsorber filled with Calcium Sulfate is used to capture any trace Chlorides and Bromides that may be released during adsorption.
Scrubber Element
ASTG has developed a drop-in replacement scrubber element. These scrubber elements are required to be replaced annually or following a toxic gas release. Over time, exposure to the air does degrade the active scrubber media - hence the requirement for periodic change outs.
The scrubber element consists of three parts - inlet filter, active scrubber media, and an outlet dust filter. These are assembled into an aluminum frame.
The active scrubber media is tailored specifically to maximize adsorption of the acid gases typically found in Fluorine and Hydrochloric Acid.